Download instructions

In order to successfully download the desired data follow the next steps:

  1. Login / registration (for free)
  2. Click on the "Data access" button below (data download also for free)
  3. Click on button "Filters". From the menu on the left-hand side you can select:  
    • - The network(s) from which you want to download data. The networks are grouped under the respective continent
    • - The time range from which you want to download data
    • - The sensor depth range from which you want to download data
    • - Additional variables you want to download together with soil moisture (otherwise only soil moisture will be downloaded)
    • - Land cover classes based on ESA CCI Land cover product 2010-v1.6.1
    • - Köppen-Geiger climate classes based on Rubel et al., 2017
    • - The specific area from which you want to download data:
      • by drawing a rectangle ( press SHIFT) or
      • by Latitude/ Longitude and click SELECT FROM INPUT
  4. Deselect all other networks you do not want to use
  5. In the bottom you can find a number of soil moisture timeseries that fullfill the selected requirements
  6. Click on download
  7. Check if the input is correct
  8. Select your preferred format 
  9. Click on download, if the download takes: 
    • < 30 seconds: direct download - a link with a zip file 
    • > 30 seconds: you will receive a link to a zip file with your data to the given e-mail address (data will be deleted after 3 days so please download it before then)