The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released its 2023 State of Global Water Resources report on October 7, 2024, highlighting a decline in global soil moisture. The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) contributed in-situ data analysis, while global hydrological models also provided insights.

ISMN analyzed data from 160 stations with over 15 years of records, assessing moisture levels at two depths: near-surface (up to 10 cm) and deeper (up to 0.5 m). In Europe, nearly half of the near-surface stations showed below-normal levels, while 81% of U.S. stations reported normal or above-normal conditions. Significant regional variations were noted, particularly in July across the U.S.

Global Hydrological Models indicated predominantly below-normal soil moisture worldwide in 2023. North America, South America, North Africa, and the Middle East experienced the most significant declines, especially from June to August, while Alaska, northeastern Canada, India, and northeastern Russia showed above-normal levels. However, limited in-situ data made it challenging to validate these findings.

ISMN, involved with the WMO report since 2021, continues to enhance data collection efforts and plans to expand analysis to more regions in future reports.

Full report:

We are very happy to announce that we have integrated the new network BFG_Nw into the ISMN. The network is located in Germany, Koblenz and consists of one station measuring soil moisture in 25, 50, 85 and 105 cm depth. Data is available from June 1996 until September 2024. Additionally soil temperature, precipitation, surface temperature and air temperature data is measured. We would kindly thank Jens Wilhelmi for providing us with the data and we appreciate all the help during the implementation process.

We are very happy to announce the integration of a new network in Germany. The RU-ADDFerti network consists of 30 stations in irrigated fields with measuements from June to September 2023. Soil moisture and soil temperature is mainly measured in 25 cm depth, but for some stations the sensors are installed at 50 cm deoth.

We would like to thank Alexander Steiger for providing us with the data and all relevant information!

We are happy to announce that the recently integrated network CW3E in USA is now updated on a daily basis.

We are happy to announce that the new network CW3E is now available within the ISMN! The network consists of 21 stations located at various locations in Colorado and California measuring soil moisture and soil temperature in 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 100 cm depth. Data availability varies by station, with the earliest data starting from 2017. All stations have data up to the present.

We would kindly thank Anna Wilson, Brian Kawzenuk, Jeri Wilcox, Patrick Mulrooney, Douglas Alden and Ava Cooper for providing us with the data. We appreciate all the help during the implementation process!