ISMN quality flags

WE DO NOT ERASE DATA - WE FLAG  (see Dorigo et. al 2013 or

ISMN quality flags are tags stored in our database with each observation. When the ISMN automated quality control detects a dubious soil moisture (or other variable) observation it is marked as "C01-C03" or "D01-D10", which signify different flagging methods. See below for example content of a data-file downloaded from ISMN. 




quality flag

origflag (Provider)

2017/04/19 00:00   0.2420 D03 M
2017/04/19 01:00   0.2450 D03 M
2017/04/19 02:00    0.4070 D03,D10 M
2017/04/19 03:00 0.4070 D03,D10 M
2017/04/19 04:00 0.4070 D03,D10 M
2017/04/19 05:00 0.4070 D03,D10 M
2017/04/19 06:00 0.3040 G M
Example of a data file downloaded through the ISMN.
Observations not detected as dubious are marked "G" (good) in the qflag column. "M" (missing) in the origflag column means there is no flag entry from the provider.